Saturday, October 17, 2015

2015 Ohio CASA Conference

Representatives from the OHIO Youth Advisory Board and ACTION Ohio (Alumni of Care Together Improving Outcomes Now) partnered to make the youth empowerment presentation during the 2015 Ohio CASA conference a success.

Youth panelists included: 
  • Shameka Smith 
  • Brittany Jackson 
  • Hunter Daniels 

ACTION Ohio representatives were:
  • Olena Sowers 
  • Doris Edelmann 
  • Lisa Dickson
Foster care youth, alumni and allies were able to meet with Senator Rob Portman, and thank him for being a champion for our youth -- particularly those who "age out" of foster care and experience couch surfing.

2015 October OHIO YAB meeting and Officer Elections

Congratulations to these newly elected officers of the OHIO Youth Advisory Board:

  1. President Gabriel Young, from Mahoning County 
  2. Vice President Michael Bolwaire, from Cuyahoga County
  3. Media Spokesperson Kyley Magee, from Miami County 
  4. Secretary Gabrielle Walker, from Miami County 
  5. Parliamentarian Re'Shawn Magby, from Mahoning County 
  6. Treasurer Melissa Stroud, from Ashtabula County 
They are scheduled to take office during the January 2015 Officers Retreat.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Violet Ramunni featured in ODJFS First Friday

2015 Fostering Pathways to Success Conference

The OHIO Youth Advisory Board facilitated two workshops during the 2015 Fostering Pathways to Success Conference:
  • Alternatives to AWOL
  • Youth Advisory Board Leadership Tools

2015 Miami County Youth Advisory Board Retreat