Seanine Cook, an Independent Living caseworker with Cuyahoga County Child and Family Services, was recently awarded 2010 Ohio Child Protection Worker of the Year by the Public Children Services Association of Ohio.
Seanine Cook was also recently awarded the Channel 3 News Today Gold Star:
General Session: Overcoming Hurdles in Ohio Youth Advisory Board Panel Discussion
The Overcoming Hurdles in Ohio Youth Advisory Board, created in 2006 by youth for youth, advocates for youth who have experienced out-of-home care.
The Ohio YAB’s recommendations include:
Considerations for the courts and CASA/GALs
Developing independent living skills, addressing mental health issues of youth in foster care
Communication issues between caseworkers, foster parents and parents
Sibling concerns
Maintaining normalcy while in foster care
This panel of exceptional young adults spoke to the issues that are the greatest concern for youth in foster care, sharing their experiences, strength and hope for the future.