Sunday, September 29, 2024

Unmet Needs of Adoptees and Young People Entrusted to Kinship Care

On Sunday, September 19, 2024, OHIO YAB Youth Ambassadors Yonnae Hobbs and Liz Blanchard shared a presentation about the unmet needs of adoptees and young people entrusted to kinship care in the state of Ohio. The audience was Ohio KAN staff members.

OHIO YAB Ambassador Raven Grice and foster care alumni Lisa Dickson and Ashley Williams were able to join them to be of support. Raven shared valuable insights about her sister, who experienced kinship care. 

Here is a link to the eligibility requirements listed in the screenshot below. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Two Big Table Events in One Day

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024:

  • OHIO YAB Youth Ambassador Alivia participated in a Big Table event hosted by the Mirth Foundation. Link to more photos.
  • OHIO YAB Youth Ambassadors Aaron, Miatta, and Haley participated in a Big Table event hosted by the Junior League of Columbus. Link to more photos

Both Big Table events were focused on improving outcomes for young people in and from foster care. Here is a link to a document that illustrates how statistics are influenced by systemic factors

The Big Table is a community-wide day of conversation hosted by The Columbus Foundation that aims to inspire civic engagement and authentic human connection. The goal is to build momentum for a just and kind future for all. Volunteer hosts are equipped with a guidebook and materials to help facilitate discussions, in order to create open and natural conversations where all voices are heard.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Youth Entrusted to Congregate Care

Over the past five years, the number of young people in foster care in Ohio has been reduced by 2K -- but the number of youth in congregate care has barely changed at all.   

Just last Friday, OHIO YAB Youth Ambassador Yalonda shared her experience of being placed in a series of unsafe congregate care placements, running away, being placed in juvenile detention, and then being placed in another residential placement.

She shared her insights on Monday with a legislative aide, who responded that:

  • “It’s easy for us to just sit in cubicles and make policies, but we need to listen to the voices of youth.”
  • “Too often for teens, there is no plan and no strategy; it’s just shuffling kids around.”
  • “The system is overloaded and playing whack-a-mole."
  • “A runaway child is not a criminal.”
  • “Keep sharing your voice, Yalonda - if you stop, we all lose."

Monday, September 16, 2024

OHIO YAB's Ongoing Partnership With the Youth Ombudsman

Brina Collins, Yvette Onyango and Victoria Rundhaug

Youth Ombudsman Jenny Stotts continues to respond to youth insights in a helpful, caring and timely manner.

a.) During a recent virtual meeting, two OHIO YAB Youth Ambassadors expressed interest in working or volunteering for the Youth Ombudsman Office. The Youth Ombudsman Office invited 2-3 young adults with foster care experience to serve as Technical Advisors on a special project: Link to flyer.

b.) Also, on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, a virtual focus group was hosted by three OSU students (pictured above) to invite youth input on the Rapid Innovation for Public Impact project (RIPI). The focus was on how to increase youth awareness throughout the state about their rights, and about the services and supports provided by the Youth Ombudsman. 

The ultimate goal of the RIPI project is to make sure all youth in foster care, kinship care, group homes and residential centers know about their rights and how to get help when they have concerns or questions.


Dear OHIO YAB Youth Ambassadors,

This letter is to acknowledge your written response and evaluation of the 2023 Annual Report of the Youth and Family Ombudsmen Office. I remain deeply grateful for your insight and feedback.

I would also like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in a breakout discussion with youth leaders at a recent statewide quarterly meeting of the Overcoming Hurdles in Ohio Youth Advisory Board (OHIO YAB) to discuss screening practices. I have since shared the notes of that breakout discussion with leaders at the Ohio Department of Children and Youth (DCY). I agree that consistent and comprehensive screening practices across Ohio are essential to ensuring youth safety.

I have forwarded a copy of your response and evaluation of our 2023 annual report to DCY and have planned for follow up discussions with members of their leadership team to further explore opportunities for collaboration to strengthen Ohio’s children services system.

Regarding your recommendations and interest to support the training of law enforcement professionals on their responsibilities as mandated reporters, I have shared that information with representatives of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy and the Buckeye Sheriff’s Association.

Additionally, I shared a copy of your response/evaluation with the Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) and advised them of your interest in meeting or presenting to discuss agency communication.

Thank you for providing such a comprehensive and compassionate response to our 2023 Annual Report. I look forward to continued collaboration and discussion. Please know that I remain open to your feedback, and I am always interested in hearing from you.

With gratitude,
Jenny Stotts, Youth Ombudsman

Friday, September 6, 2024

2024 DCY KIDS Summit - Panel Presentation


Link to more photos.

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, the Ohio Department of Children and Youth (DCY) convened teams of youth-serving agencies from each of Ohio's 88 counties at the Hilton Downtown Columbus. There were 900 attendees present. 

Their purpose was to:

  • Share about the Department of Children and Youth and its mission to serve all Ohio children.
  • Develop a plan to better support children and families in the community with a person-centered approach.
  • Provide an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with local and other leaders from across the state to increase collaboration to support families.

OHIO YAB Youth Ambassadors Jaylin Hart and Yonnae Hobbs presented as part of a morning panel. Their purpose was to inspire attendees to "Do What's Right for Kids." Their experiences underscore the importance of having a youth-centered approach to decision-making:
  • For Jaylin, reunification was not in his best interest. Repeated attempts at reunifying him with his biological family each time he came back into foster care cost him years of his life, and delayed his pursuit of permanency. Throughout the process, his voice was not heard.

  • Yonnae never experienced abuse. Her parents struggled with poverty and unhealthy coping mechanisms. She feels that they could have received help, which would have allowed her to stay at home, rather than entering foster care. Yonnae has valuable insights to share about how systems could work better to support struggling families

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2024 DCY Kids Summit ~ Two OHIO YAB Panelists

Jaylin Hart is an OHIO YAB Youth Ambassador and an active member of the VISION Youth Advisory Board in Montgomery County. His leadership is demonstrated through his involvement in both local and statewide activities, including presenting a workshop at the 2024 Leadership and Life Skills Summit. Jaylin also recently helped facilitate youth activities at the National Independent Living Conference in Orlando, Florida. He is a passionate voice advocating for current and former foster youth to forge permanent and positive changes in the system.

Yonnae Hobbs, also known as Yonnae Asé, is a former foster youth and an OHIO YAB Youth Ambassador. She is an active member of the Hamilton County Youth Advisory Board and works as a Youth Resource Navigator through the Transition Age Youth AmeriCorps program; her internship is through Cincinnati Works. Additionally, Yonnae serves as Recruitment and Retention Co-Chair for the Resilience Squad member of Hey, I’m Here Ohio. Her goals, and an expression of her character is to glow and grow and to be a voice rather than an echo. She seeks to improve the immediate experiences and long-term outcomes of young people in and from foster care.