Saturday, August 10, 2024

OHIO YAB Input on QRTP Monitoring Guide

On Friday, August 9, 2024, OHIO YAB Youth Ambassador Caidyn Bearfield participated in a virtual meeting with Stevie Romano and Sharla O'Keefe of the Department of Children and Youth. The purpose of the call was to share youth feedback about the draft Qualified Residential Treatment Program Monitoring Guide. 

QRTP Requirement 5101:2-9-42 (B)(4) implements a trauma-informed approach in which all employees, volunteers, interns, independent contractors within the facility are trained in that trauma-informed approach. Trauma informed training is to occur within the first thirty days of hire and annually thereafter in accordance with 5101:2-9-03 of the Administrative Code. 

During the call:  
  • Caidyn asked: "Where is the line drawn between DCY-certified agencies vs. those that are certified through the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services?"  DCY staff provided helpful clarification. 

  • Caidyn expressed appreciation that DCY is seeking to meet the intention of the rule, not just what is on paper: "It's refreshing to see that this is on DCY's radar." She loves the trauma-first approach, especially for youth who have experience abuse or neglect. 

  • Caidyn asked: "Will the one-hour trauma-informed training that is required of frontline staff each year be specific to their role?" 

  • Caidyn pointed out that this training will be particularly important for floor staff -- those who are the youth are interacting with the most, and might have the least amount of training. It would be valuable if the training they receive is specifically targeted to their role. 
Additional questions asked during the call: 
  • Will a visual be created to differentiate and share the intersection between: 
    • Trauma informed care training 
    • Trauma informed model 
    • Trauma informed approach

  • Will videos be created for front-line staff? 
Feedback was provided on the draft Resident Survey: 
  • Youth didn’t see anything about being informed of a grievance procedure, being given info about their rights or contact info for the Youth Ombudsman, and asked that this be added to the survey. 
  • Caidyn suggested replacing the question: "Are/were the staff nice to you?" (which OHIO YAB youth leaders felt was vague) with: "Did staff treat you fairly/with respect and dignity?"
The OHIO YAB values and appreciates having these ongoing conversations with DCY staff, and being able to provide their input. During the call, Caidyn felt listened to, and that her insights were taken seriously. 

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